
How GBW sets it apart?

GBW has unmatched experience when it comes to assessing the service and standards of your frontline teams, whether online, over the phone, or in person. For over 27 years, across sectors, geographies, and channels we’ve been catering to our clients’ specific needs through our unique capabilities. Our global pool of trained and certified evaluators delivers the highest levels of recall accuracy, with every assignment checked by our dedicated Quality Assurance teams – adhering to ISO9001’s highest quality standards.

Program Design
Reporting & Insights
Action Tracking

Enhanced Program Design

Your program will be co-created with our team of experts, whose knowledge and experience of CX measurement programs is second to none – ensuring your CX deliverables drive insight and action are as insightful and invaluable.

Enhanced Reporting & Insights

The best programs are only as good as the reporting and insights shared with your stakeholders and ours most certainly delivers.

Enhanced Action Tracking

Insights are meaningless unless they lead to action. GBW’s Action Tracking capabilities delivers an end-to-end approach that focuses on resolution and traction.


Online Assessment

Online Assessment

The challenges
Your customers expect the same level of service, regardless of your platform. Failing to deliver upon their expectations is a quick way to lose loyalty, especially when your competitors are just a few clicks away. When thinking about your online presence:
How long does it take users to access your online environment and get the help they need?
Are your customers able to locate what they need without delay?
Are you delivering the same level of experience across every channel?
When finding third parties to deliver your products or services, are you aware of how well they perform?

Online Assessment

The solutions
GBW understands that even a small issue in your service can result in the loss of your customer to a competitor. We help our clients focus business objectives through:


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